Taraxacum officinale - Løvetann - Mælkebøtte - Dandelion - Maskros
sopphemmende, A, B, C, D - styrkende, - antirevmatisk- urinsyre - avgiftende

Contains vitamin A, B, C and D. The vitamin A content is higher than in carrots. potassium, calcium and iron.Urinary, laxative, galloping, liver strengthening, detoxifying, appetite stimulating, digestive stimulating, counteracts intestinal gas, nutritious, strengthening, expectorant, antirheumatic, hypotensive, febrile decreasing and fungal retardant. Dandelion can help to dissolve metabolic waste products in the connective tissue in the body.
Liver disease, jaundice, hepatitis, gallstones, kidney stones, fluid retention, pulmonary edema, swollen bones, bad appetite, weak digestion (dyspepsia), intestinal gas, gastritis, constipation, obesity, rheumatism, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, anemia, diabetes, skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, beatles, warts and fungal infections.
Traditional medicines is associated with dandelions.
The use of dandelion has a long tradition in folk medicine both in Europe and among North American Indians. Native Americans quickly learned to use the plant, against toothache, heartburn and as a calming and strengthening remedy. An extract of the root was also used to promote the production of breast milk after birth.Dandelion has also been used in European folk medicine. Drunk as tea, the herb could relieve pain form arthritis and it also served as a remedy for indigestion. Although in the past, people did not know that the dandelion is very rich in vitamins and minerals, they found that the herb seemed potent.
The medical effect of dandelion is primarily related to the digestive system and the urinary tract system. The root of the dandelion is also one of the most effective detoxifying remedies we have in herbal medicine.The bitters in the dandelion stimulate the formation of digestive fluids, the tanning agents act binding, the organic acids work together with slime in the herb and it is mildly laxative. Because the herb has a diuretic effect and stimulates the secretion of uric acid from the body, it is useful in combating urine retention, arthritis and rheumatism. The metabolism-stimulating effect of dandelion also has a very beneficial effect on the connective tissue of the body, and in this area dandelion is better than most other medicinal plants. Moreover, it is found that the root has a mild anti-inflammatory effect, which supports the traditional use of dandelion in the treatment of rheumatism. All this means that people suffering from rheumatism should consume dandelion.
Vitamin A, C, E, D
Beneficial for:
Uric system
Liver and bile
Blood pressure
Controls fungus
Detoxing, stimulating
Inhibits inflammation
May be used for:
Liver diseases
Rheumatism, arthritis
Swollen legs
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Gout, uric acid
Dandelion contains a lot:bitter glycosides, taraxacin, taraxcerin, essential oil, tannins, triterpenes, betyryrin, taraxol and taraxerol, sterols, sitosterol, stigmasterol, taraxasterol and homotaraxasterol, carotenoids lutein, violaxanthin, choline, carbohydrates, inulin, pectin, acids and phenolic compounds phenolic acids, flavonoids, and much more...
Water can flow through a very small crack in the asphalt. If there is a seed in the crack or just below the asphalt at the crack, the seed gets enough heat from the sun and water from the rain to begin to germinate. As the plant grows, it spreads larger and pushes the asphalt up. Then it looks like a volcano as it grows a flower up through.

The power of natural ingredients